Thursday, May 18, 2006

Go Oil

Saw Jordan at Showboat tonight - which for those of you who don't know is a place where we all go Lindy Hopping - and I did not shrivel up and die. In fact, after the initial shock of seeing him, I just felt sort of a numb, empty feeling. Almost boredom. Or emotional exhaustion. I dunno, but It was good to not care really. That boy has screwed up by losing me. Period. I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. Thank God. We danced a couple of times and went our seperate ways. Surreal and strange, yet oddly okay. Let Sarah have him. I'm done.

So the Oilers win and I begin to Let Go. Glory, glory, hallelujiah.

So, some Konkin Picks just 'cause I am in a good mood:

Best Metaphysical Movie Find
A Waking Life

Book Recommended By Too Many People To Not Be Good
The Timetraveller's Wife

Song That Rings True and Has a Rockin' Video
What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts

Website That I Am Working On Of The Company I Work For

Coolest Cool Website Discovery (June 2nd, FYI)

That is all for tonight. Am curious if I will get bitten back here in my bed in 206. Long weekend stretches ahead of me. Sorta look forward to it and sort of dread it. Getting my appetite back and last night I had a pretty normal sleep. Want to meditate more. Today I spent a good twenty minutes on the water just sitting and being. Felt good. Really like working on the website at work even If I am not very good at it...reminds me of why I used to want to study more graphic arts stuff...perhaps I still will. Had the feeling the other day of taking off for somewhere in the fall for a few months. As I come up for breath, as I no longer feel like I am drowning, a million new thoughts and possibilities fill my heart. All at once I am new to Vancouver again, sitting in Kyle's apartment, my own person and Jordan Lewin is a blip in time. I have felt like the loser for so long now...but now I begin to see...I am still playin' the ain't over...

She shoots, she scores.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

... and I recommend it too (Time Traveller's Wife)! It's currently at the very top of my favourite books list. :)

Thinking about you in Toronto...

6:05 AM  

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